alex's 3rd birthday
alex turned 3. in september. so like, 5 years ago in blogging time.i consulted her on the desired theme for her party & she relied: "cake. & presents."well kid. thanks for your input. so i...
View Articlethey say things
i wish i could bottle up all of the nifty things alex & brynn say.perhaps i should start carrying around a tape recorder.- alex says something witty & epic.- i pull out my tape recorder, hit...
View ArticleAlex's big girl room
you guys probably think the title of this post is a big fat lie. because i'm pretty sure i've promised to post about this 100 times in the past 2 years.i can explain. no really, i can. you see, alex's...
View Articlei managed to put on (clean) clothes
so far this week i've managed to put together, & wear, 3 case you don't know what an outfit is (because i didn't- i had to google it), it's articles of real clothing (ie: not dirty jeans...
View Articlehow loud is your voice?
most of the time sometimes my beautiful children infuriate me. & the husband.both of us- enraged, one 3 year old- defiant & one 2 year old- destroying all the's a recipe for...
View Articlesnails vs trains
then: 18 weeks & 6 daysnow: 20 weeks & 5 daysat first, pregnancy seems to crawl along at a snail's pace. - it usually starts with a hunch: "weird, i usually like toast & eggs so why does...
View Articleit's a good thing we have so much girl stuff...
because i'll need to sell some of it to fund the purchase of suspenders, cardigans & Tonka trucks:oh my. i "knew" it was a boy, but now i know it's a boy- you know?i have brothers & a nephew,...
View Articlethis is what's up
first off- it's march 19th & Easter is in less than 2 weeks. so like any normal human being, my mind is focused on flowers, new grass, warmer weather & possibly skipping the tights when donning...
View ArticleArticle 0
first- thank you for the stay at home mom well wishes. i do know it's going to be a tough transition, but the more i think about it the more excited i get.i don't feel like i've "missed out" on a lot...
View Articlestaying home & easter recap
so i guess i'll stop bitching about how cold & miserable it still is. & how it was 32 degrees this morning & i had to blast the warm air in my car to rid the windshield of frost. & how...
View Articleas of late
random snippets from life that i want to remember forever.brynn:- lately brynn has been ending 95% of everything she says with "i rest my case!"most of the time, this leaves me unsure as to an...
View Articlemother's day
realistically, i am well aware that every day is mother's day. every morning when i wake up my first thoughts are that of mom. when i get up at 1, 3 & 5am am to pee (thank you un-born son)- i'm...
View Articlecountdown to stuff & things
clearly, i'm not aiming to win any awards for my blogging.once a month updates, failure to check my blogger email & my lack of twittering has securely cemented my status as a somewhat flaky...
View Articleoh baby. no baby.
no baby yet. 39 weeks & 3 days today & he's still kickin' it on the inside. & i can't complain. i'm so very thankful for a healthy, easy, stress free pregnancy. while my body may take it's...
View Articlecohen ezra bird
having a baby hurts. a lot.during labor you just know you'll never forget how much. you'll remember every single detail of your delivery because, shit man. ouch. & sometimes you'll say things like,...
View Articleit's quiet
i'm sitting here typing furiously.seriously- i'm pretty sure i look like i'm doing something rather important & if anyone were to walk in they would be all like, "damn, look at the woman doing...
View Articletaps mic.
oh you guys. i've tried so hard.i keep planning to sit down & catch up. to write out life. to upload pictures. to be hilarious.but. LIFE! you know?cohen is 6 months old now. 6 MONTHS OLD NOW! brynn...
View Articlewe live
let me start by saying honestly, i'd almost forgotten how to log into blogger.with the impending birth of my 4th i really feel like i should update this thing. i don't necessarily think i can commit to...
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